Get to knows the passing drills (advanced pass)

Hello!!!!! Welcome back all the readers, this is the 10th blog on my website already and hope all of you will continue to support me on my blog. This is the blog that we going to sharing our love of basketball together and blog that will be updated weekly.

On the previous blog, I left of with the basic pass that you should be familiar with them before you move on to any advanced pass. I hope all of you was already practice all the drills from the last blog post and getting used to it already.

This week  we are going to talk about the advanced pass which will make you look cool and more professional from the point of view of other players. However, the pass will be much more difficult than the basic one because it is harder to control the ball direction. Therefore, More practice is required for this drills.

Advanced pass

Wrap around pass

As it name, this is the pass that will goes around the defender to other player like the ball is wrapping around the defender. The player will step around the defender with the non-pivot leg and passing the ball with his outside hand. We can use both the air pass or the bounce pass for this drills.

We will often see this pass as the air pass or the bounce pass when the player try to feed the ball to another player that is posting in side the paint area.


Here is an example from Jason Curry, former top-rank basketball college player, on the website howcast.

Chris Paul is one of the best point guard in NBA and on this clip his is doing the wrap around bounce pass to his teammate.

Baseball Pass

This pass will use the same movement as throwing the baseball. The player will step one of their feet to the front(step in) and throwing the ball with one hand over the head. Don’t forget the follow through to make the ball spin and the pass accurate. The drill will be used for the long distance pass.

We will often see this pass when the player see their teammate running the fast break and trying to feed them the ball.

This is Jason Curry teaching the baseball pass on howcast website.

This is the former point guard of Boston Celtics, Isaiah Thomas, doing the baseball pass to his teamate.

Dribble Pass

The ball is passed right of the dribble of the player with one hand. This pass is used for the quick pass to make it difficult for the defender to follow or steal the ball. The pass can be both air pass or bounce pass too.

Another Video from Jason Curry shows us how to do the dribble pass. HOWCAST

Behind the back Pass

The player will wrap his arm around the back for throwing the ball to other player to avoid the steal or the risky of the front passing. The pass is often confused the defender because he can’t predict your next move.

IN more advance pass, you can use it during the lay up to fake the defender for aiming the block on you and then you pass to the opening teammate to score easily.

This is the pass that I think is the most difficult out of all because it requires ton of practice in order to make it accurate and controllable.

Another example of Jason Curry on behind the back pass teaching. You also check it out on HOWCAST.

This is all the beautiful behind the back pass on the NBA.

I hope the blog from this week will be benefit to all of my readers and do forget to practice it a lot because practice make perfect.

Hope you enjoy it and see you on my next blog!!!! Thank you!!!

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